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The British Gas Design System

ANNOUNCEMENT: v3.0 of the Nucleus Docs released 29th February 2024 Send us feedback

The design system of British Gas

Latest release

v3.0 | 29 February 2024

New platform, content reorganisation and updates, automated content, example feature with code snippets.

View all release notes

Thought of the month

Just as DNA provides a blueprint for life, a design system provides a blueprint for building functionally effective user interfaces.

Latest Nucleus blog articles

An illustration showing a transition from the old British Gas logo to the new one

A coat of fresh paint

How we replaced an entire visual identity with the design system.

14 March 2024

Using accessible colours in a design system

Using accessible colours in a design system

Why it is important and how to make it work.

7 July 2023

Designing for neurodiversity

Designing for different minds

Considering neurodiversity in our designs.

16 March 2023

A Nucleus drop-in session, with a team gathered around a Nucleus host.

The drop-in clinique sessions

A story about how we implemented one of our most important ceremonies.

13 January 2023